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Waves of Change: What Truly Matters When Choosing a Company?

Doctor Anywhere

Updated: Oct 18, 2023

In today's rapidly evolving corporate landscape, traditional notions of unwavering employee loyalty and long-term dedication are being reshaped. The era of lifelong commitment to a single company has become a thing of the past. In Malaysia, the future of work is being shaped by Millennials and their younger 'Gen Z' counterparts, together they make up over half of the workforce. These young employees bring with them a fresh mindset that prioritises personal growth, exploration, and the pursuit of meaningful work experiences. They possess an unwavering determination to be agents of change, actively driving toward a better future.

Millennials and Gen Z prioritise job stability and actively seek employers who are supportive and involved. Surprisingly, their concerns about environmental sustainability, economic impact, and mental health often surpass the importance of working for a renowned brand. The findings from Deloitte's Global 2022 survey summarise the concerns which have the most profound impact on them.

On the flip side of the spectrum, Gen Z and Millennials have often been labelled as the "snowflake generation," accused of expecting excessive freedom from their employers. This being said, it’s alarming to discover that a staggering 84% of individuals from these generations actually experience burnout and high levels of stress due to their transition into the work environment, demanding expectations and workloads. This stark contradiction challenges the prevailing assumptions and calls for a deeper understanding of the pressures faced by these young professionals.

1. Lack of Experience

Limited professional experience can often breed a sense of uncertainty and anxiety about their capabilities. The fear of making mistakes or falling short of the expectations set by supervisors and colleagues becomes a heavy burden, ultimately intensifying their stress levels.

2. Transition Period

The transition from an academic setting to a professional work environment can be challenging. Adapting to new routines, expectations, interpersonal dynamics, and work culture can cause stress as they try to navigate this transition.

3. Financial Concerns

Young employees, particularly those embarking on their professional journeys, often encounter the weight of financial pressures. The burden of student loans, living expenses, and the responsibility of supporting their families can create a significant strain on their financial well-being. Navigating these financial challenges can amplify stress and anxiety levels, hindering their ability to fully focus and thrive in their careers.

4. Bullying and mistreatment

In some work environments, young employees may also face the distressing experiences of bullying and being assigned menial tasks. Bullying can take various forms, such as verbal abuse, exclusion, or unfair treatment, which not only adversely affects their mental well-being but also hampers their professional growth. Additionally, being consistently assigned menial tasks that offer little opportunity for growth or skill development can lead to frustration and demotivation

5. Clear Career Path

Many young employees may feel uncertain about their long-term career prospects. They may be unsure about their career goals or the steps needed to advance in their chosen fields. This uncertainty can create stress as they seek clarity and direction for their future.

6. Work Pressure

Often facing high expectations and pressure to perform well in their roles. Interns and young professionals are often assigned challenging tasks or given significant responsibilities without sufficient guidance or support. This can lead to stress as they strive to meet deadlines and deliver quality work.

7. Work-Life Balance Maintaining a healthy work-life balance can be challenging, particularly for young employees who are eager to prove themselves and advance in their careers. Long working hours, commuting, and a lack of leisure time can lead to burnout and heightened stress levels.

8. Workplace Culture The organisational culture and work environment play a significant role in employee well-being. Young employees may experience stress if they work in a highly competitive, toxic, or unsupportive workplace. A lack of positive feedback, recognition, or opportunities for growth can contribute to stress and dissatisfaction. By shedding light on the journey of Gen Z and Millennial employees, we gain a profound understanding of the hidden battles they face concerning their mental health. The daily pressures and challenges they encounter can have a detrimental impact on their well-being, hindering both their professional growth and overall quality of life. This, in turn, directly affects the employer and the company they work for. Stay tuned for the second part of this article where we delve deeper into how employers can make a positive difference in the workplace by providing support for the mental well-being of their Gen Z and Millennial employees. We explore practical strategies and insightful approaches that can significantly contribute to the creation of a supportive work environment.

We understand that life can sometimes feel overwhelming, and we want you to know that we're here for you. If you or someone you care about is feeling overwhelmed, experiencing stress, anxiety or simply not feeling like themselves, our mental health experts are available to help.

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